Monday, April 26, 2010

why mizjudith?

An observant friend came and asked me today why I'm fond of using mizjudith as codename, username, password, etc.? Obviously, she had learned about my newest pet, my blog. And she's quite disappointed why I haven't explained about this mysterious word 'mizjudith' on my first blog. Well, here's the story.

'Mizjudith' has gone way back from my college days, during my last two years to be specific. Those were the days of rigorous cost accounting assignments, of tedious MAS discussions, of continuous audit theories and problem solving, and of ingenious sessions on our law subjects. Those were the days of endless group studies and group tutorials at any vacant rooms, at our favorite spot in the library, at our classmate's house, or if lucky enough, at review room. Those were the days we were still full of hopes, dreams and ideals.

In those last two years of college, I served as a volunteer facilitator. Every semester I got to handle different group of students back then, and they used to call me Miss Judith. You might say, so that's it. But that name sounded just nothing for me then.

Until someone special to me (and will remain special) called me mizjudith. Then that peculiar name stuck. When the time came that that someone had to work elsewhere, I managed to find ways to remind me that he's just around. So I had my workstation named mizjudith, during manito-manita I used it as codename (nevermind if its quite obvious) and I had even used it as a password for quite sometime in my pc (only that time, sorry guys I changed passwords regularly). Until he left me for good.

Now you might ask why I'm still using mizjudith when I don't need anymore to remind myself of him? My answer is just simple. The name 'mizjudith' reminds me of those happy memories and glorious times; of hopeful dreams and wonderful plans. In short, it makes me smile. I heard from someone that we had to surround ourselves with things that make us smile to live life a lot easier.

And who knows, another really someone special would come my way to invent another word for me that would make me smile (sigh)... hopefully, this time he would stay for good, he would spend his lifetime with me. Well, that's another story.

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